Brave New Gamer exclusively with the latest news in gaming industry, from the Japanese gigant Konami and it's release of a new music video-like trailer for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Take a look...
The Duke himself has all but confirmed Duke Nukem Forever in a recent panel discussion about newest gaming news at MAGfest. A fan asked Jon St. John, the voice of Duke Nukem, about the status of the mythical game. "I'm not allowed to speak on that subject, sir," St. John explained. "He's asking...
With all these Mass Effect 2 videos showing off the new characters in the game, isn't it about time Commander Shepard got his time in the spotlight? BioWare thought so. They unveiled a new video today starring the badassery that is The Shep. Short, sweet and to the point.
Capcom is showing off Dark Void at CES this week. We've got a couple new videos for you to enjoy. The first demonstrates the game's enhanced physics system while the second (after the break) is a new developer diary.