On a recent 4 Guys 1 UP podcasts, David Ellis mentioned that Halo: Reach is "already fully playable from beginning to end.” John Davison mentioned that he visited a studio, and stated they built the whole game from beginning to end at 40%. Of course, Davison never stated which game, but with...
The Steam Holiday Sale has been going on for the better part of a week now, and there have been some pretty sweet deals. Yesterday, Prey actually sold out and BioShock was put in its place for $4.99. Today marks another batch of new deals. This time, it's Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor 75%...
A user by the name of KholdFuzion has leaked a video, screenshots, and details on co-op and multiplayer for the XBLA port of Perfect Dark. Supposedly, the game will feature co-op and 8-player online multiplayer. Check out the video below and the screenshots after the jump.
Duke Nukem Forever might have gotten canned (or did it?), but the Duke isn't SOL just yet, at least not if 3D Realms co-founder and CEO Scott Miller has anything to say about it. According to him, "numerous other Duke games" are in development."The next few years should see a strong...
Great news for PC gamers! Steam's annual Holiday sale has just gone live, offering awesome deals on tons of great games, up to 80% off on some. Through January 3rd, you can get, among other impressive offers, 50% off the entire Ubisoft catalog, 50% off the Eidos Collectors' Pack, 33% off Rockstar's...
Maine’s Christian Civic League is calling for a ban on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. "The public has been dangerously desensitized to violence," the group writes. "Many find a thrill in participating in violent video games." They continue to say the game goes too far, "even in our own...
We mentioned earlier this week that Australia's game classification board was going to review the decision to not classify AvP. Today an announcement was made to overturn the decision to ban the game, giving it a MA15+ rating. The decision of the three-member board was unanimous, and the game will...
Following today's news that Australian government is opening up 18+ game classification, we've found out that Aliens vs Predator will get re-reviewed for classification this Friday.
If an individual or organisation wishes to apply for standing as an interested party to this review, please write to...
The huge success of Modern Warfare 2 on the Xbox 360 was largely due to Xbox Live. Many users prefer to play it on Xbox Live than on PlayStation Network, at least, according to Microsoft's David Dennis."Having an install base around 8 million more than the PS3 certainly helps, but the main...
Game Informer unveiled the cover for its January issue, hitting news stands December 14. The cover features none other than Dead Space's Isaac Clarke. The magazine will apparently have an exclusive look at the game. Sure, it's concept art, but Isaac is sporting a slightly different look with some...