Sorry Metroid fans. If you were looking forward to getting your hands on Samus’s guns this June you’ll be disappointed to learn that Nintendo has announced that Metroid: Other M will be pushed all the way back to August 31st, around two months longer than the originally announced release date. As for the whys of the delay? When Kotaku broke the story earlier today Nintendo got in touch with them to comment:
“The launch date for Metroid: Other M has shifted to Aug. 31. As you may know, this game is the product of a unique partnership between longtime Metroid producer Yoshio Sakamoto, Team Ninja and many other individuals and groups, all of whom have set very high standards for this latest installment in the series. Although it’s taking slightly longer than expected to complete the project, we’re confident that fans will find it to be well worth the wait. Video game development is a lengthy and complex process. We have always put the quality of our products first, and have historically taken the time needed to make our games meet the expectations of our fans.”
Oh well, life goes on. It’s not uncommon for high profile Nintendo titles to get pushed back at the slightest hint of trouble. At least Wii owners have Mario Galaxy 2 to look forward to next month. Unless, you know, that game gets pushed back as well.