Square Enix’s long awaited Final Fantasy XIII will be released next week but if you are planning to choose the 360 version over the PS3 you may want to reconsider. According to an in-depth analysis at eurogamer.com, between the two versions the quality of the Xbox 360 port doesn’t quite reach the visual fidelity of it’s PS3 counter part.
“Adequate but a touch disappointing” best sums up the Xbox 360 version. Fine edges lose precision, and while the effect is mitigated thanks to the MSAA along with the multitude of post processing effects the engine has at its disposal, the fact is that the lack of resolution can make the 360 build look sub-par. The clean CG look of the PS3 game in motion is unduly compromised, and while it’s still a handsome enough title on Xbox 360, it lacks the pristine presentation of its sibling.
If you’re an owner of both the 360 and PS3, and need some help making a choice between the two, this article is a good read. Along with a detailed break down of the visual differences between the two SKU’s, the reasons why the downgrade of quality may not have even been necessary is discussed.