This month’s issue of Official Playstation Magazine UK included an interview with Quantic Dream founder David Cage. Among other things, Cage spoke about the possibility, or lack thereof, of doing a sequel for Heavy Rain. According to him, there’s no need to make a Heavy Rain 2.
“I don’t want to do a sequel because I’ve said what I had to say about these characters and this story,” he explains. “Honestly, I have nothing else to say.” Cage further explains his reasoning by adding, “I believe that the value of my company lies in its ability to create new IP’s.”
That doesn’t, however, rule out post-release DLC, which was recently announced as The Heavy Rain Chronicles. The Chronicles are in no way a necessary component to the story arc of Heavy Rain, but according to Cage, they act as a prequel, shedding light on the characters’ backstories.
“The game tells a full story, nothing is missing from it,” he says. “The approach to DLC was to say, let’s work on prequels. What led the characters to be who they are in Heavy Rain? What happened to them before?”
Heavy Rain lands in North America February 23.