Actor Mark Hamill is known for doing high-profile roles in a number of video games, and in case you forgot, he did some acting for a little old movie called Star Wars. You’ve heard of it? Yeah, well he played Luke Skywalker. I guess you could call that pretty high profile. Hamill also voiced the notorious villain the Joker in the animated versions of Batman. Despite that, he was actually curios — surprised even — when asked to play Joker in Batman: Arkham Asylum. In an interview with CVG, Hamill talked about his role.
“I played Joker from 1992 to 2004 in all the animated versions, including the feature films,” he said. “I stopped in 2004 and didn’t expect to return to him, so when they asked me to come back I was curious.
“I thought this will be one last chance to play Joker. And it was so much fun to play a character who is clearly insane. I’m an old school comic book fan and I thought Heath Ledger was brilliant in The Dark Knight: a harrowing interpretation with a complete lack of joy. But I think Joker has a huge ego, and he’s almost angry that Batman is obstructing his ascent. He believes he deserves acclaim for his genius.”