EALA, developer of Medal of Honor, got a little defensive when Modern Warfare 2 was brought up in a recent OXM interview. The interviewer asked executive producer Greg Goodrich and senior creative director Richard Farrelly about the “No Russian” scene in Modern Warfare 2 what the response was from the Tier 1 Ops soldiers who were consulting on the new Medal of Honor in order to make it with “good taste.”
“I don’t think they’ve played it,” responded Farrelly, but that wasn’t enough. Goodrich went on to say, “Modern Warfare 2 wasn’t even out when we started development on the game. When I use honor, respect, authenticity and words like that, I’m not even thinking about the other games that are out there. Our focus is just on Medal of Honor. Those things have always been there. Those are the core tenets to the series.”
OXM then asked about the switch from World War II to modern day. “Medal of Honor is not a World War II franchise,” Farrelly answered. “We’re not tied to any specific time frame.”
Seems a little defensive to me? It’s pretty hard not to compare the Call of Duty franchise with the Medal of Honor franchise when they both originated in the World War II time period and feature similar gameplay. Now that both have jumped on the modern warfare bandwagon, how can you not compare the two?