I would fall into the hardcore gamer category. I own all three current generation consoles and both my PS3 and my 360 are usually turned on at least once a day. Without bias, I can say that there are things that I love and hate about all three systems, but more importantly they all have something to offer. Unfortunately, there are many of you out there that can’t objectively evaluate each of these products without your stupid fanboy biases, and it is to you I say stop bitching about the console war.
Honestly, the rest of us normal, rational gamers are just tired of hearing about it. Yeah, I could blame all the contributors and editors who post the weekly flame bate about which console is better, or why this console will “win the console war,” but in the end, the blame rests with the zit-faced 14-year olds who are failing the 8th grade. These pathetic future Nero players only take breaks from their marathon gaming sessions to comment on the 20th different article this month on why the PS3 is better than the 360 (or vice versa). Now, you probably want to blame contributors like myself for posting these articles, but in reality writers only post them because they all know you are going to click the link and register another hit on their website. It’s probably like being a dealer; we know you can’t stay away and that no matter what, you will be back for more.
What has always baffled me more than your ridiculous desire to rush to the comments section and make your next delaystation or xbox 3fixme comments (which by the way aren’t as clever as you think they are) is why any of you care in the first place. I have been playing games for about 20 years, and I have yet to receive any royalties from Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony and I doubt any of you have either. So, in reality, you are a lobbyist for a company that does not compensate you for all the time you spend crusading for them, and I don’t want to hear anyone saying that they provide you with entertainment because you have already paid for that entertainment when you bought the console or the game. Be honest with yourself, would you really want to live in a world where any of these companies had a monopoly on the market? I mean, personally I don’t want to pay $600 for a console; competition is good for the consumer.
I know my rant isn’t going to change how any of you feel about your console of choice. The goal was to make you realize how ridiculous you all are for even caring in the first place. Your bitter resentment for your competing console brothers is just sad and misplaced. The only winners in this war are Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and people like me.